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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekend Post 5

Popular Culture is contemporary lifestyle and items that are well known and generally accepted, cultural patterns that are widespread within a population according to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/popular%20culture. There are different types of culture including music, film, television, advertising, sports, fashion, toys, magazines and comic books, and the medium in which this message moves, cyberculture. For example , the Chinese always make items and send them to America. Plantains from Columbia that are taken to the U.S. are icons that are examples of popular culture. Songs like Abusadora and other spanish songs are an example of popular culture. Popular culture can even be in languages such as French , a very romantic language. It is in movies also : Mean Girls - Harm in competion and identity ; The Lion King: family, loyalty, jealousy - Aladdin: difference between social status, honesty, freedom. As you can see , popular culture is a diversity : ALL AROUND YOU.